The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
As the movie starts, we see a war between the monkey king and Jade's Army. Here's Monkey King is the story's hero and Jade is the villain. We see Jade's army getting defeated because they were unable to compete with the Monkey King. But Monkey King was killing everyone one by one. But we see that a boy is awakened suddenly.
Here we acknowledge that he was dreaming about the Monkey King. His name was Jason. We see Jason's room there. There were many pictures of Karate experts and fencers. Many DVDs and Cds related to this, were also present there. It meant that Jason loved to learn Karate. Afterward, he goes to CD and DVD shop.
Shop Owner's name was Lu Yan. He was so old. Jason asks if he can get a CD of Karate. To which he replies, why not? While observing the CDs, Jason finds a golden stick there. Jason takes that. But Lu Yan forbids him. He says this stick isn't mine. This belongs to my father. I'll give this stick to the one who will be deserving.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
But that real deserver never came here. Then Jason leaves with that CD. As he goes forward, he finds a girl who was his friend. He tells his friend that he's learning Karate. Then four rude boys come there. They torture Jason and beat him. Then Jason's friend forbids them to beat him by saying that he knows Karate.
When they get to know about this, they start beating him more. When they look at Jason's CD, they get to know that it's from Lu Yan's shop. The leader of that gang asks Jason to take him to Lu Yan's house. Jason takes them to Lu Yan's house.
As he knocks at the door, Lu Yan comes. Seeing Jason there, he asks if he needs more CDs. He brings Jason inside. Those four boys also come inside following Jason. One of those boys misbehaves with Lu Yan. He says, Tell me immediately! Where you have put the money? But Lu Yan doesn't answer.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
He pushes Lu Yan and starts finding the money himself. Then Lu Yan hits a boy's head with that golden stick. Seeing this, that group's leader feels aggressive toward Lu Yan. He takes out his gun and shoots Lu Yan. Being shot, he falls to the ground. He gives that golden stick to Jason and asks him to take it. He further says him to give this tick to its deserver.
That group's leader wanted to kill Jason as well. He knew that he had watched Jason dong murder of Lu Yan. Then saving his life, he comes to the terrace. Those boys also come to the terrace following him. But then that stick starts flying and Jason falls down. Now Jason falls to the ground. But surprisingly he doesn't fall on the ground but somewhere else.
In fact, he fell into another world. When he awakes, he sees that this world is entirely different. This world was so old as compared to this world. Then Jason comes outside and he asks a man about this place and how did I come here? Then that man asks him that, are you the one who will give the prediction? We were waiting for you for a long time.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
Because you are the one who'll give us freedom from Jade's Army. Then Jade's army attacks there. They were beating the villagers and they took their money, their children, and every single thing. Then one of Jade's soldiers sees that golden stick in Jason's hand. He orders his other soldiers to catch the rest of them. Jade's soldiers surround Jason to catch him.
Then Lu Yan comes there. But Lu Yan was quite young here. Lu Yan sees Jade's soldiers teasing a man. Lu Yan kills them by competing with them. He saves Jason and takes him with him. Lu Yan finds that golden stick with Jason. He brings Jason to a place where many people were drinking. They start drinking there as well.
Jason asks Lu Yan that why everyone is asking if I came from the future? Here Lu Yan tells him a tale. He tells that Jade's Army came to kill Monkey King a few times ago. But when Monkey King used to have this golden stick in his hand, it was impossible to defeat him. No one could defeat him. Main King used to call souls to make them drink honey once a year.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
It wasn't ordinary. Drinking its one drop, a person could become immortal. Those all souls used to become immortal. An ill person could be cured using this honey. Monkey king reached there. Seeing Monkey King there, the main King felt so good and happy. But the commander of the main king felt offended.
He says to the main king that the monkey king is really naughty. So he should be sent back to his home. Then the main King went back for 500 years. After he went, the commander king didn't send the monkey king back but challenged him for the war. This war was going on between the monkey king and Jade.
Jade realized that it is impossible to defeat the monkey king as long as he has this stick. Jade asks him to put down this stick and he won't use his magic in return, he says. We'll fight using hands only. We'll conclude that who is more powerful. As monkey King was so innocent so he agrees with what Jade says. As he put down the stick, Jade turned him into stone.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
Jade betrayed Monkey King and made him the stone. When Monkey King realizes that Jade betrayed him, he throws this stick away from him. It was predicted that a man will come and free the monkey king from this magic using that stick. He'll turn monkey king into a human again. Moreover, he'll free the whole world from ade's army.
The story turns back to Lu Yan and Jason. The hotel's owner was demanding money from them. On which, Jason gives him all the money to that shop owner. The shop owner was weirdly staring at money. He asks that what it is? Meanwhile, Jade;'s army comes there. The shop Owner shows them the money which Jason gave him.
Seeing it, Jade's army moves forward to Jade. When they see the golden stick in Jason's hand, they demand it. Hearing it, Lu Yan starts fighting with the soldiers. They start running from there while fighting. While they were escaping, two soldiers seize Jason. They were about to kill him but a female soldier saves him.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
Then the three of them start going to their destination which is the mountains. That female soldier tells Jason that Lu Yan is one of those immortal souls. Jason asks Lu Yan about this. He says yes. Jason asks him to teach him Karate. On which Lu yan agrees and makes him his follower. Then we see that a soldier conveys a message to Jade that some people are saying that they saw that stick. Hearing this, Jade stabs him using a knife. Then Jade asks his soldiers to call the witch.
When Jason awakens, he doesn't find Lu yan or that female soldier around him. Then Jason sees an intelligent man coming to him on the horse. He takes that golden stick from his hand. That man goes to a temple with this stick. Meanwhile, Lu Yan and that female soldier also come there. Jason tells everything about that man to them.
Then Lu Yan goes inside the temple to fight with that man. They both get into a fight. Then Lu Yan asks that intelligent man if he will give this stick to Jade. That intelligent man says no. I want to meet that person who brought this stick here.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
Meanwhile, Jason also comes there. Lu Yan tells that intelligent person that he's the one who brought this stick here. Then four of them set out to reach their destination that is the Mountains. hen we see that the witch reaches there where Lu Yan and Jason drank. She asks the people to give her any memento.
They give him a weapon that belonged to that female soldier. Then we see that both Karate experts teach Jason Karate. They were teaching him in their own ways so Jason gets confused. They plan to focus later on war and they'll teach Jason Karate first. Then they start teaching Jason Karate. While traveling, they find two dead bodies hanging with a tree. That female soldier feels offended over it and she says that Jade should be killed.
On which that intelligent man says that you are angry, emotional, and immature so go back to your parents. That female soldier says that I've no parents. She says that my father did rebellion against Jade. To punish the rebels, Jade sent his 100k soldiers to our village. Jade ordered the soldiers to destroy this village. She tells that they burnt our whole village.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
So my mother put me in a bucket and then put me in a well to save my life. My life was saved but an arrow pierced her and she died with my dad as well. While telling this, she feels really sad and tears pop into her eyes. Other people also feel sad over this. They set out for their journey then. While travelling, they reach a desert and feel thirsty.
Then that female soldier tells that the immortal soul is capable of send rain. As Lu Yan was an immortal soul, he writes something on the paper and waits for the rain. Then that intelligent man notices that their destination is right in front of their eyes. As they were moving forward to the mountains, they face that witch. They start fighting.
They get succeeded in completing the witch and escape. That witch throws an arrow that hits Lu Yan. But Lu Yan doesn't tell this anyone. Lu Yan falls as he goes forward. When everyone sees this they take him to a Karate school. Lu Yan is treated there. There was a doctor who tells Lu Yan that it is impossible for him to survive.
But there's a way by which he can be saved. There's honey in the mountains, where Jade lives. Lu Yan can heal drinking a sip of that honey. That intelligent man decides to attack them at night so that they don't see them and they'll bring honey then. But Jason doesn't tolerate it because he wanted to heal Lu Yan as soon as possible.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
Therefore, he starts moving to the mountains with that golden stick. Jason plans to tell Jade to give a drop of hiney and in return, he will give him his golden stick. Jade says that I would give the honey but I've already promised witch. For its solution, you both will fight and the winner will get the honey. Then Jason and that witch start fighting.
Jason gets defeated. Jade takes that stick. Jade was about to kill the soldier when that female soldier and that intelligent man. They save Jason. Meanwhile, Karate students also come there and they join Jason and fight back with them. Seeing it, he was about to throw that stick into the fire. But that intelligent man stops Jade from doing this.
A war occurs between them. That witch was about to drink honey when that female soldier comes and fights with her. Jason throws that honey bottle. Finally, Lu Yan holds that bottle. Lu Yan drinks that honey and finally becomes immortal. He starts fighting with Lu Yan and Jason finds that golden stick. That intelligent man goes to him and asks him to touch this stick to monkey king.
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) Film Explained
He does the same. The monkey king gets free and comes back to his normal form. Now Monkey King and Jade get into a fight. That female soldier says to Jade that you killed my parents. She had made a small weapon by herself to kill Jade. She throws it towards Jade. Jade stops it, using his powers. He attacks the female soldier.
She was about to die. She wishes that this my last wish that I kill Jade with this weapon. Then Jason takes that weapon from that female soldier. While fighting, Monkey King pushes Jade. Jade falls beside Jason. Right then Jason pierces that weapon into Jade. Jade finally dies here. This whole world gets freedom from Jade's army. The main king comes back. He asks Jason about his wish. That main king gets to know about his wish and sends him back to his world.
When he goes back to his world, he falls under the same roof from where that stick fell him down from the terrace. Then that gang's leader surrounds Jason and starts beating him. As Jason knew Karate, he beats that leader black n blue. All the boys run away getting afraid of Jason. Then we see Jason practicing to learn more Karate techniques. This movie ends here.
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