Argo (2015) Film Explained
In the first scene of film, we see the various protesters who show protest in front of visa office. And the present members in visa office decide to leave immediately. And some members ask, may we not wait for the Iranian/Persian police? One of them say if the police or army does not arrive on time, these protestants intrude inside harming us. While conversing it, a soldier inside the office attacks on protestants throwing tear gas. As a result protestants are got furious and tries to intrude in the visa office breaking its doors. And they enter inside. American visa office waste all of their documents to save the secrecy of documents.
And no one may get benefit from it because all Protestants enter into office. And a lady reports to her seniors that they all have entered inside and before us. The visa office team approaches the main road from the back door, looking for a way out. On the other side, their few members are caught by the protestants. And blindfolding , they take them in an unknown place. In this scene, seniors are shown in discussion that how can they make free of them. For it, most senior officer suggests that I talk to the president in order to find out the solution.
Here our main hero Ben Affleck is called in office through a call. And he enters into the office. In this move, Ben Affleck actual name is Tony. Here the meeting is held, in which it is revealed that Tony has involved in the secret operations. While discussing the several option, An option is appeared that we should provide the cycles so that they may come on cycles. But Tony tells , there is heavy snowfall so the airport is the only way for them.
At the end of this scene, It is thought, what should we do? Is there a good plan ? So they tell, there is no further plan. Tony says at this time, I have not a suitable plan. In the next scene, he is departing to his house sitting in a car. Tony is talking to his son who tells that he is watching his favorite channel. Watching this channel, Tony hits upon an idea that Why should we not go to Iran for film shooting disguising ourselves.
Tony convinces his seniors about it in next scene that Disguising, we will go. He has helpful connection for this. Movie moves further, Tony's seniors asks him to go first and meet any renowned directer and complete this movie plan. After it, Tony moves to Los Angles and meets John Chambers. He tells him openly that we want to make a fake film. John Chamber humorously says him you are on a right place. And I will assist you.
Along it John Chamber asks , How will you enter into Embassy? Tony Mendez claims that they are not in the embassy but are hiding in Tehran. He tells that I want a cover set up showing the pretence of film in order to prevent myself from suspicion.. Here Jhon Chamber informs to Tony that we need a big star cast for the movie casting and no one may doubt on our movie. In next scene , they meet a great actor for this matter and reveals the whole story who agrees with it.
Tony likes a script named Argo while searching a good story from the different scripts. Tony tells that poster and script are ready but it is not enough. We must act in such a way that everything appears to be original without any doubt on anyone's part. In order to sell this lie, they take the favour of press. Because media's information is cosidered more reputable. Tony is told while dropping him on airport that American will not accept you as its citizen if you are caught.
On it, Tony says, I don't care! Now Tony is reached in Persia where an officer asks the purpose of his arrival to Iran. He replies, Film Production! Inpite of suspicion , officer accepts the entry of Tony in Persia. In this scene, Tony meets an American in Canadian embassy. He has come here to take him back to America. They all are hidden in Canadian embassy. Tony hands them over the fake identities and scripts. tells we will return from airport.
On it, all are worried saying it will not be easy to do? But Tony encourages them. In fact, their plan includes to return back pretending the citizenship of Canadian. Because Persia had only problem with Americans not with Canadians. In this scene, Tony tells , we will all go to market tomorrow and pretend to make the movie. So that everyone knows that we are 6 persons while in actual we are 7.And we will depart to airport next day. In this scene, Tony and all American who pretends to be fake Canadian embassy officers are going to market sitting in a car.
While crossing the market, all people are gazing at them. Tony receives a call from America about the changing of plan. And we arrange an army operation to take them from Persia. Objecting on it , Tony tells my all preparation is complete and refuses to follow the order. Because their life may come in a danger if we wait for army operation. All departs to airport next day. Reaching at airport their routine passenger record is checked which is all correct.
Because it was pre-planned. An officer suspects them but after investigation and verification , he allows them to go. However, a problem arose when the Persian army discovered that they are Americans, not Canadians. These proofs are those which American had torn during the protest on their embassy. Bur Persian bind all papers so they know that their identity is American. They try to seize them but it is late. They are all boarded in plane. They pursues plane but air plane is taken off. And all American embrace happily and enjoy. Tony's mission has been completed. [The film comes to an end here]
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